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Surfing | Entries Open for Rip Curl GromSearch Nahoon Reef presented by Sea Harvest

Nahoon Reef, East London - The third contest in the Rip Curl GromSearch Series will take place at Nahoon Reef in East London on May 17 -19.

This event is the third in a five-contest series around the country. It features the top junior surfers competing for points and prize money, and entries are open HERE.

The Rip Curl GromSearch tournament in East London is a Surfing South Africa event. It is presented by Sea Harvest and supported by The National Lottery, Oakhampton B&B and Buffalo City

Nahoon Reef, the contest venue © Louis Wulff

The premier division of the series is the U16 division, and the top four results out of five will determine the 2023 Rip Curl Gromsearch Series Results. 

The Rip Curl GromSearch contests are fun events as well as crucial conditioning for training our country's young surfers in the skills and expertise needed to become successful competitive surfers and how to surf to the best of their abilities in front of the top Surfing South Africa judges. 

They also expose these surfers to the media, who often attend these tournaments and cover the events and the surfers for various media outlets. 

The GromSearch series allows kids to compete against the best surfers in the same age bracket from their country. This format gives these groms insight into a life of competitive surfing. It gives them the invaluable experience of surfing and competing in different waves nationwide. Nahoon Reef is the premier wave in East London.

The Rip Curl GromSearch contests are all premier SAST events, with 1,000 points going to the winners and prizemoney per all premier events.

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Surfing, Rip Curl GromSearch, East London