Sponsorship | Rugby Sponsorship tour to Spain
I am approaching you in the hope that you would consider sponsoring my son on a rugby tour to Spain in December 2024.
I am attaching all the relevant information for your consideration I am currently running a backabuddy campaign as well as a raffle to try to raise funds. I am also going to be selling goods at local markets on 26 October and 02 November to try to raise funds. I need R20 000 by 28 October 2024 to secure the second phase of his payment terms.
I would greatly appreciate your assistance with regards to this and I appreciate your consideration. Tristan is the only player from the Oos-Transvaal team to have been selected as well as the only pupil from Nigel where he attends John Vorster High School.
Bokkieweek AVS 7s Rugby O16 Presidentspan
Borgvorm 2024 7R16-2 Tristan Jansen
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kindest Regards Veronique Jansen 061 866 0744
Tristan Jansen