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South Africa’s National Protea Traditional Wushu Team represents SA at the 9th World Kungfu Championship 2023

SAWF team to China WC 2023

South Africa’s National Protea Traditional Wushu Team represented the country at the 9th World Kungfu Championship hosted in Emeishan, China, from the 23rd to the 28th of August 2023. The event featured 6 649 athletes and coaches from 53 countries and regions, competing in various traditional kung fu styles. The city of Emeishan, with the support of the Chinese Wushu Association, was responsible for organising the 9th WKFC under the auspices of the International Wushu Federation (IWUF).

20230822 163236The 9th WKFC marks the third time that the event was organised and hosted by the city of Emeishan. Emeishan is the seat of the culturally significant Mount Emei, as well as home to one of the three major schools of wushu – Emei wushu (the other two being Shaolin and Wudang). The tranquil location is imbued with cultural and traditional heritage, making it a fitting setting for such a significant event.

brendaThe National Protea Traditional Wushu Team pitched their skills in the biggest, and arguably the most influential, sports event within the global Wushu community, proudly bringing 9 Bronze and 7 Silver medals home.

Iimages/IWUF Martha Burr- SA Group 9th WKFC 
The competition allowed the athletes to showcase their Taolu routines (a collection of non-contact, fast choreographed movements based on martial techniques), as well as Taiji routines (slow, systemised movements used to create physical awareness, whilst remaining based in martial application). Our country also took part in the Jiti division (a group routine comprised of no less than 6 people, consisting of choreographed movements set to music, combining the use of weaponry and bare-hand techniques).

flying the flag
The South African delegation was comprised of the following team officials and athletes:
Team officials
•Jurgens Lamprecht – National Protea Wushu Coach
•Deborah du Plessis – National Protea Wushu Team Manager
•Willem van Coller – National Protea Wushu Assistant Coach
•Riana van Coller – National Protea Wushu Assistant Team Manager

•Alexander du Plessis - Team Captain and silver medallist
•Daniela Chrysostomou – Team Vice-captain and bronze medallist
•Adam Berry – bronze medallist
•Bönham Kukari – bronze medallist
•Brett Berry
•Jake Berry – bronze medallist
•Nerine du Plessis – silver medallist
•Mila Fietze – bronze medallist
•Allan Hackner
•Khayelihle Jali
•Bernard Jacobs – bronze medallist
•Bianca Jacobs – bronze and silver medallist
•Candace McCardle
•Maile Monyama
•Christiaan Smook – bronze medallist
•Shannon Jacobs – silver medallist
•Uthembekile Mtshali
•Rhyse Sothern
•Kitana van der Mescht – bronze and two-time silver medallist
•Luvuyolwethu Mgqibisa
•Thor van der Mescht

The World Kungfu Championship was first held in 2004 in Zengzhou, China. It is a biennial event that aims to showcase traditional kungfu at a high level, as well as promote and foster international relationships through the sharing of Chinese martial arts.

WhatsApp Image 2023 09 03 at 09.22.42 1The South African Wushu Federation (SAWF) was founded in 2002 as the official body governing all Chinese Martial Arts (known as wushu or kungfu) in South Africa. In 2003 it became a full member of the International Wushu Federation (IWUF). The IWUF is officially recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as the sole worldwide Governing Authority for Wushu. The SAWF is recognised as a National Federation by various sporting bodies, including the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC), the African Wushu Kung-Fu Federation (AFWF), continentally, and the International Wushu Federation (IWUF), internationally. By virtue of these affiliations, the SAWF receives recognition from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and SportAccord, amongst others. The SAWF furthermore works in close collaboration with the Chinese Wushu Association (CWA) and is recognised by both the Chinese National Olympic Committee and the Chinese Ministry of Sport. The role of the SAWF is to facilitate, coordinate and oversee the national administration, growth and development of Wushu in South Africa, as well as promote the interests of its members.
Wushu is a martial art which originates in China but has expanded globally. It began as a method of defence and combat, practised for more than 2500 years and evolving into a craft and sport which is practised by thousands of people worldwide. There are 156 national and regional federations affiliated to the IWUF. Wushu has been officially included in the 2026 Dakar Youth Olympic Games.

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SAWF team to China WC 2023

South Africa’s National Protea Traditional Wushu Team represented the country at the 9th World Kungfu Championship hosted in Emeishan, China, from the 23rd to the 28th of August 2023. The event featured 6 649 athletes and coaches from 53 countries and regions, competing in various traditional kung fu styles. The city of Emeishan, with the support of the Chinese Wushu Association, was responsible for organising the 9th WKFC under the auspices of the International Wushu Federation (IWUF).

20230822 163236The 9th WKFC marks the third time that the event was organised and hosted by the city of Emeishan. Emeishan is the seat of the culturally significant Mount Emei, as well as home to one of the three major schools of wushu – Emei wushu (the other two being Shaolin and Wudang). The tranquil location is imbued with cultural and traditional heritage, making it a fitting setting for such a significant event.

brendaThe National Protea Traditional Wushu Team pitched their skills in the biggest, and arguably the most influential, sports event within the global Wushu community, proudly bringing 9 Bronze and 7 Silver medals home.

Iimages/IWUF Martha Burr- SA Group 9th WKFC 
The competition allowed the athletes to showcase their Taolu routines (a collection of non-contact, fast choreographed movements based on martial techniques), as well as Taiji routines (slow, systemised movements used to create physical awareness, whilst remaining based in martial application). Our country also took part in the Jiti division (a group routine comprised of no less than 6 people, consisting of choreographed movements set to music, combining the use of weaponry and bare-hand techniques).

flying the flag
The South African delegation was comprised of the following team officials and athletes:
Team officials
•Jurgens Lamprecht – National Protea Wushu Coach
•Deborah du Plessis – National Protea Wushu Team Manager
•Willem van Coller – National Protea Wushu Assistant Coach
•Riana van Coller – National Protea Wushu Assistant Team Manager

•Alexander du Plessis - Team Captain and silver medallist
•Daniela Chrysostomou – Team Vice-captain and bronze medallist
•Adam Berry – bronze medallist
•Bönham Kukari – bronze medallist
•Brett Berry
•Jake Berry – bronze medallist
•Nerine du Plessis – silver medallist
•Mila Fietze – bronze medallist
•Allan Hackner
•Khayelihle Jali
•Bernard Jacobs – bronze medallist
•Bianca Jacobs – bronze and silver medallist
•Candace McCardle
•Maile Monyama
•Christiaan Smook – bronze medallist
•Shannon Jacobs – silver medallist
•Uthembekile Mtshali
•Rhyse Sothern
•Kitana van der Mescht – bronze and two-time silver medallist
•Luvuyolwethu Mgqibisa
•Thor van der Mescht

The World Kungfu Championship was first held in 2004 in Zengzhou, China. It is a biennial event that aims to showcase traditional kungfu at a high level, as well as promote and foster international relationships through the sharing of Chinese martial arts.

WhatsApp Image 2023 09 03 at 09.22.42 1The South African Wushu Federation (SAWF) was founded in 2002 as the official body governing all Chinese Martial Arts (known as wushu or kungfu) in South Africa. In 2003 it became a full member of the International Wushu Federation (IWUF). The IWUF is officially recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as the sole worldwide Governing Authority for Wushu. The SAWF is recognised as a National Federation by various sporting bodies, including the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC), the African Wushu Kung-Fu Federation (AFWF), continentally, and the International Wushu Federation (IWUF), internationally. By virtue of these affiliations, the SAWF receives recognition from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and SportAccord, amongst others. The SAWF furthermore works in close collaboration with the Chinese Wushu Association (CWA) and is recognised by both the Chinese National Olympic Committee and the Chinese Ministry of Sport. The role of the SAWF is to facilitate, coordinate and oversee the national administration, growth and development of Wushu in South Africa, as well as promote the interests of its members.
Wushu is a martial art which originates in China but has expanded globally. It began as a method of defence and combat, practised for more than 2500 years and evolving into a craft and sport which is practised by thousands of people worldwide. There are 156 national and regional federations affiliated to the IWUF. Wushu has been officially included in the 2026 Dakar Youth Olympic Games.

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